Thursday, July 12, 2012

Turtle Heart Still Beating After 2 Hours - Turtle Power!

1# Turtle Heart Still Beating After 2 Hours - Turtle Power!.

VDO of Turtle Heart Still Beating After 2 Hours - Turtle Power!

After we have a tendency to got the data regarding Crock Pot Recipes ago VDO, we'll investigate the Turtle Heart Still Beating After 2 Hours - Turtle Power!. I urge everybody to use judgment within the audience. A recent survey found that I actually have come upon Turtle Heart Still Beating After 2 Hours - Turtle Power!. I saw that it had been important for them to be published. If any errors. I apologize. If you are doing not want to publish VDO. i'm pleased to be here. Thanks for a great VDO. Turtle Heart Still Beating After 2 Hours - Turtle Power! Tube. Duration : 0.18 Mins.

We *harvested* this rather large snapping turtle and cleaned it for eating. We noticed the heart still beating on the concrete driveway. It beat for well over 2 hours after it was pulled from the turtle! Pretty amazing. **Note** By harvested, I mean we caught it, killed it, cleaned it, and ate it. Just as you would deer, turkey, fish, lobster, crab, chicken, beef, lamb, a pig for bacon, ham, ribs, or pork steaks. Half of the turtle meat was made into chili. The other half cooked in a crock pot with BBQ sauce. You can find many recipes online. Turns out I'm not a fan of turtle meat though. Too watery. Here's a quick recipe for turtle soup: SNAPPING TURTLE SOUP Cook 3 pounds of turtle meat. Remove from bones, keep broth. Chop into small pieces. Chop 6 hard cooked eggs up fine. Heat 8 quarts of milk, 1/4 pound of butter; add salt and pepper. Add meat, eggs. Do not boil. Add broth with milk. I don't care if you love turtles, if you're a vegetarian, or think that deer are beautiful, innocent creatures. Don't leave ignorant comments. It only makes you look like a douche rocket. Depending on how you present your comment though, I may still post it. For kids viewing this, yes, I teamed up with Shredder and caught one of the TMNT's. Cowabunga! Turtle Power.
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