Friday, July 6, 2012

How to make Greek Yogurt

#The Best How to make Greek Yogurt. Advertisements

Good VDO of How to make Greek Yogurt

Not some time past, I presented the story. Useful. these days i am pleased to gift Video on Low Fat Crock Pot Recipes. i need it to block my sisters. and also the public. data that's useful. with your friends. How to make Greek Yogurt, which I have seen this as an excellent contribution. VDO is the information. The End. Judgment in the view. How to make Greek Yogurt Video Clips. Duration : 10.00 Mins.

Ingredients, equipment, and an easy technique to make delicious Greek-style, extra-thick yogurt treats. Recipe: 1) Stirring continuously so it doesn't scald, heat 1/2-gallon organic milk (4% fat or better) to a temperature of 185°F (84°C) or when small bubbles-froth appears on surface of the milk or just before it boils; 2) Let milk cool to a luke-warm temperature of 108-112°F (42-44°C), then mix in 1/2-3/4-cup of plain yogurt (eg, my daughter calls this step "immortalizing" the yogurt) and/or 10 grams (2 tsp) of yogurt starter into the luke-warm milk. 3) Cover milk mixture and place in a 100°F oven for 6-to-14 hours. 4) Afterwards, the yogurt has "set", but I prefer it thicker and creamier. So I pour the yogurt into a cheese-cloth-lined collander within a large bowl and strain out the whey (clear milk liquid). 4b) Optional-- For Greek Yogurt (Γιαούρτι), I put the collander/bowl set-up in the oven at 100°F for 30-to-90 minutes to strain out more whey. This optional step makes the yogurt extra thick and creamy or "Greek-style". 5) Pour yogurt from collander into a container (with a tight lid); cover and refrigerate. I like to stir or mix the yogurt at this stage which makes it extra creamy in my opinion. Yogurt will thicken even more in the refrigerator. Use within two weeks after refrigerating. NOTE: Greek Yogurt is traditionally flavored with honey and fruit, but this Greek-American prefers adding Mexican agave nectar and Canadian blueberries to flavor our yogurt. Καλή ...
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